Tag Archives: graduate course

Psychology Grad Course: Open and Reproducible Science

I have written several posts about the open and reproducible graduate course for psychology that I created and have taught a few times. This post is simply to pull together all relevant links to one location. Below I link to two versions of the syllabus as well as to my lecture summaries for each class. The lecture summaries do not reflect the only material discussed in each class, but they do highlight the main theme for each class.


  • Syllabus from 2018 (first time teaching this course)
  • Syllabus from 2020

Lecture Summaries (based on 2018 syllabus):

  • Week 1: Introduction to the course
  • Week 2: Why Should Science be Open and Reproducible?
  • Week 3: Open Notebook
  • Week 4: All About Pre-Registration
  • Week 5: Power and Study Design
  • Week 6: Sharing Procedures, Materials, and Data Analytic Plans
  • Week 7: Data Management Plans
  • Weeks 8 and 9: Sharing Data as well as Code/Syntax
  • Week 10: Openly Sharing Research Reports/Manuscripts
  • Week 11: Extended Research Networks
  • Week 12: Transforming Discovery